~A Bike Ride To The Beach!~

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

I heard that there was going to be a beautiful sunset today. They said you would be able to see the beauty of the sun’s rays as they radiate across the horizon of the ocean. Therefore, I hoped on my bike and pedaled down to the beach, feeling the tension the sand put on my tires as I continued to push my way thru the sand to the end of the beach. When I reached the wooden planks, I stepped off and stood there in awe, at the beauty of pink, yellow, and purple and how they sparkled against the waves of the ocean.

Head: Catwa  ~ Magy v3.2 with Teeth (Bento)
Eyes: WoW Skins ~ Ocean Eyes Set A
Eyes Appliers: WoW Skins ~ Ocean Eyes Set A
Body:  Maitreya ~ Lara 4.1 with Bento Hands
Hands:  Maitreya ~ Lara 4.1 with Bento Hands
Skin: DeeTaleZ & Gawk Valarie – MixedType
Shape: Personal Shape
HairBase:  DOUX & L'Etre ~ Allyson Hairbase
Hair:  TRUTH HAIR ~ Horizon – Selections
Makeup: WarPaint– Catwa head Catya V2.10
Top:   Seniha Originals–  Aura Top @ ~ Uber~ Monthly Event
Bottom: Seniha Originals–  Aura Belt & Skirt @ ~ Uber~ Monthly Event
Accessories: ^^Swallow^^ ~  Princess Ears (HUD)
[NeNy]~ Pregnant Control Hud
{ZOZ}~ Natural Butterfly Polish @ The Trunk Show
Jewelry: ~~ Ysoral ~~ ~ Luxe Ring Wedding Veronica
Scene Location
Poses Used
LOVEHappy Days – Cuddle Bike
Items on Display
LOVEHappy Days – Cuddle Bike
LOVEBig Beach Pack 2

~All Clean With That Baby Fresh Smell!~

Monday, April 29, 2019

There is nothing like the fresh smell of baby powder after a warm and relaxing bath. From the aroma of baby wash and baby shampoo, mixed with the fresh scent of powder will bring such love and joy to your heart. My little girl did very well in the sink today for her big girl bath. She splashed and played, getting more water outside of the sink then I think there was left in the sink. Although mommy got just as wet, it was such a memorable experience to see my little girl grow and show off her personality.

Items on Display
Pink Acid & Black Bantam~ Bath Time Baby Girl Pink 04
Aphrodite Shop/Heart Homes~ Diaper Scene from Joy Nursery
Aphrodite Shop/Heart Homes~ Blossom Spring Living room set

~Waiting For My Babies!~

I got some of the expecting mommies to let me take their pictures. These amazing mommas are waiting for the most beautiful and stunning babies in SL. I am talking about the new and exciting Zooby Animesh babies. These mommas allowed me to snap multiple pictures of them until I got the right one. We all just want to thank Carrie and her amazing team for creating such an amazing baby, which allows these beautiful women to glow and shine as they bring forth a new life!
Scene Location
Poses Used
Something New Props & Poses– And Baby Makes 3
Something New Props & Poses– Music Soothes the Souls
Items on Display
Something New Props & Poses– And Baby Makes 3
Something New Props & Poses– Music Soothes the Souls

~Waiting For My Babies!~

Saturday, April 27, 2019

I got some of the expecting mommies to let me take their pictures. These amazing mommas are waiting for the most beautiful and stunning babies in SL. I am talking about the new and exciting Zooby Animesh babies. This momma allowed me to snap multiple pictures of them until I got the right one. We all just want to thank Carrie and her amazing team for creating such an amazing baby, which allows these beautiful women to glow and shine as they bring forth a new life!

Scene Location
Poses Used
Items on Display

~Just A Few Moms Waiting For Their Babies!~

I got some of the expecting mommies to let me take their pictures. These amazing mommas are waiting for the most beautiful and stunning babies in SL. I am talking about the new and exciting Zooby Animesh babies. These mommas allowed me to snap multiple pictures of them until I got the right one. We all just want to thank Carrie and her amazing team for creating such an amazing baby, which allows these beautiful women to glow and shine as they bring forth a new life!

Scene Location
Poses Used
REINA Photography ~ SG0031 - Complete
REINA Photography ~ SF0015 - Complete
REINA Photography ~ SF004 - Complete
Items on Display
REINA Photography ~ SG0031 - Complete
REINA Photography ~ SF0015 - Complete
REINA Photography ~ SF004 - Complete
LOVE1 Prim Forest - Spring

~ The Beauty of Pregnancy! ~

Friday, April 26, 2019

The beauty of pregnancy and the joy of growing a new little one inside you bring forth so many emotions. Yes, your belly grows, your breasts get bigger, your butt gets bigger, but the joy of knowing that there is a little one relying on you for its life. To feel the little kicks as they wake up and move around makes pregnancy one of the most amazing experiences I have ever gone through.

Head: Catwa  ~ Magy v3.2 with Teeth (Bento)
Eyes: WoW Skins ~ Ocean Eyes Set A
Eyes Appliers: WoW Skins ~ Ocean Eyes Set A
Body:  Maitreya ~ Lara 4.1 with Bento Hands
Hands:  Maitreya ~ Lara 4.1 with Bento Hands
Skin: DeeTaleZ & Gawk Valarie – MixedType
Shape: Personal Shape
HairBase:  DOUX & L'Etre ~ Allyson Hairbase
Hair:  TRUTH HAIR ~ Oasis– Selections
Makeup: WarPaint– Catwa head Catya V2.10
Bottom: SLC/S&B  Mainstore– Lingerie Irreplaceable Girl
Accessories: ^^Swallow^^ ~  Princess Ears (HUD)
[NeNy]~ Pregnant Control Hud
Jewelry: ~~ Ysoral ~~ ~ Luxe Ring Wedding Veronica
Scene Location
Poses Used
MB Pose~ Pregnant
Items on Display
LOVEMoving Day – Nature Scene
LOVEThis Old House – Nature Scene

~ Cute and Cuddly! ~

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The little bundle of cuteness that was asleep is now making some noise as if she is a drum major, except these sounds, are coming from her diaper. As we went to her little room, I placed her on her changing table, only to unsnap the diaper and my eyes started to water. I know what I am feeding her, but this does not look right. I grabbed the baby wipes, cleaned her up, and placed the diaper in the baby genie. As I reached for a new diaper she decided that she needed to pee all over the place, so we grabbed some more baby wipes, this time I was asking for reinforcements. No one came, I am sure the smell scared them away, but we got all cleaned up and went back out to sit and relax.
Head: Catwa  ~ Magy v3.2 with Teeth (Bento)
Eyes: WoW Skins ~ Ocean Eyes Set A
Eyes Appliers: WoW Skins ~ Ocean Eyes Set A
Body:  Maitreya ~ Lara 4.1 with Bento Hands
Hands:  Maitreya ~ Lara 4.1 with Bento Hands
Skin: DeeTaleZ & Gawk Valarie – MixedType
Shape: Personal Shape
HairBase:  DOUX & L'Etre ~ Allyson Hairbase
Hair:  TRUTH HAIR ~ Oasis– Selections
Makeup: WarPaint– Catwa head Catya V2.10
Top:  Seniha Originals–  Esmeralda Top @ Cosmopolitan
Bottom: Seniha Originals–  Esmeralda Skirt @ Cosmopolitan
Accessories: ^^Swallow^^ ~  Princess Ears (HUD)
[NeNy]~ Pregnant Control Hud
Jewelry: ~~ Ysoral ~~ ~ Luxe Ring Wedding Veronica
Scene Location
Poses Used
Aphrodite Shop/Heart HomesSpring Joy Nursery Set
Items on Display
Aphrodite Shop/Heart Homes~ Spring Joy Nursery Set
Pink Acid & Black Bantam~ Lali Infant Babygirl 02
+Half-Deer+-– Fairy Curtain

~The Warmth of The Sun!~

The movement in my belly was keeping me from being able to sit comfortably, so I decided to take a walk outside. The warmth of the sun felt so nice on my skin, made my skin glow with its sunrays. I always loved the smell of roses and I walked over to my rock garden to take in the sweet aroma of the pink roses. As I bent over to smell them, my little one decided it was time to use my bladder as a trampoline, which meant it was time to go back inside.

Head: Catwa  ~ Magy v3.2 with Teeth (Bento)
Eyes: WoW Skins ~ Ocean Eyes Set A
Eyes Appliers: WoW Skins ~ Ocean Eyes Set A
Body:  Maitreya ~ Lara 4.1 with Bento Hands
Hands:  Maitreya ~ Lara 4.1 with Bento Hands
Skin: DeeTaleZ & Gawk Valarie – MixedType
Shape: Personal Shape
HairBase:  DOUX & L'Etre ~ Allyson Hairbase
Hair:  TRUTH HAIR ~ Oasis– Selections
Makeup: WarPaint– Catwa head Catya V2.10
Top:  Seniha Originals–  Esmeralda Top @ Cosmopolitan
Bottom: Seniha Originals–  Esmeralda Skirt @ Cosmopolitan
Accessories: ^^Swallow^^ ~  Princess Ears (HUD)
[NeNy]~ Pregnant Control Hud
Jewelry: ~~ Ysoral ~~ ~ Luxe Ring Wedding Veronica
Scene Location
Poses Used
*MV* ~ Pregnancy Pose Stand
Items on Display
.:Tm:. Creation~ White Innocence @ The Trunk Show
LOVE1 Prim Forest